
AMARC's Services


AMARC provides testing services for the following product groups and scopes:


AMARC provides calibration  in the following scopes:

  • Electrical and temperature metrology
  • Chemical metrology
  • Mechanical metrology
  • Medical devices

Inspection & Certification

AMARC provides Inspection & Certification services for the following scopes:

  • Crops
  • Aquaculture
  • Livestock
  • Food safety
  • Environment

under the following accreditations:

  • Inspection Body: ISO/IEC 17020
  • Certification Body: ISO/IEC 17065
  • Certification Body: ISO/IEC 17021-1

Consultation & Training

AMARC provides Consultation and Training in the following scopes:

  • Laboratory quality management system
  • Agriculture & food quality systems, good manufacturing practices, and food sanitation
  • Management of tools and equipment


Service process

Please see How To

Contact channel

Please see Contact Us 


Please see Contact Us

Important things to know before submitting test samples

1. Purpose for testing
2. Sample collection method and required sample amount
3. Condition and contamination control during sample collection and delivery e.g.

  • GMOs – at least 1 kg of sample collected in 2 layers of sealed plastic bags
  • Allergen – at least 300 g of sample collected in 2 layers of sealed plastic bags
  • DNA Screening – at least 500 g of sample collected in 2 layers of sealed plastic bags
  • Water testing for food poisoning – samples must be collected with aseptic technique in sterile container and delivered under cool temperature.

Please contact customer service for instruction and sample collection equipment.

Test sample submission process

After consultation, please fill in and submit request form with sample. Samples can be delivered directly us by yourself or delivery service. AMARC also provides sample pick-up service within Bangkok metropolitan area free-of-charge.

Sample pick-up service

AMARC provides free sample pick-up service within Bangkok metropolitan area. Please contact our customer service.

Express service

AMARC provides express service. Please contact our customer service for duration and availability.

Test duration

The duration required will be stated in the quotation document. The number of days does not include Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.


Payment method

BOI's Investment Promotion

Information on Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)'s Investment promotion that AMARC receives

AMARC receives investment promotion in the scientific testing business category in the following scopes: testing and analysis services in chemical, biological, filth, pharmaceutical and calibration.

Per Section 31 of the Investment Promotion Act B.E. 2520, the received benefit is exemption from corporate income tax for a period of 8 years (no 3% withholding tax) in the promoted scopes.

The promotion periods begins upon the beginning of revenue (first invoice) and ends after that 8 years. Therefore, the date stated in the investment promotion certificate are not the same as the date AMARC can exercise the incentive’s benefits.

Please be noted that only selected AMARC testing services are eligible for the benefits under the investment promotion programs. Non-testing services such as inspection and certification, and consultation and training, as well as reserach and development are not included in the program.

Agriculture and food

General knowledge

Rules and regulations for agriculture and food products in Thailand

Food manufacturing for distribution or exportation is subjected under various rules and regulations from the manufacturing process to product quality and standard. Before making an investment decision, for the efficient and effective planning and management, the manufacturers must be aware of the following:

  • Food categorization: which category does the product fall into under the regulations
  • Regulators: there are several regulators on food quality and standard such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS), Department of Fisheries (DOF), Department of Livestock Development (DLD), etc.
  • Special requirement: some foods require special permit in order to be able to process or manufacture and are regulated under several regulators. It is necessary that the rules and regulation for each specific food is observed and abided by. Furthermore, regulations on product naming, labelling and advertisement should also be practiced accordingly.

Definition of specifically regulated plants and testing for the purpose of exportation of specifically regulated plants

Specifically regulated plants are plants that the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives require that microbiological testing and testing for substances that are harmful to human. The list of specifically regulated plants, countries and testing requirement can be found at Department of Agriculture or from our customer service.

AMARC is appointed designated laboratory for specifically regulated plants for exportation by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives since July 2018. Currently, over 14,000 samples and 80,000 tests for fruit and vegetable for exportation has been performed annually.

Definition of filth in food and food products

Filths in food and products are contaminants that do not constitute part of product and can be harmful to consumers. The source of filths could be from unsanitary production, storage and distribution processes. There are 2 types of filths in food and products:

  • Heavy Filth is filth with comparatively heavy weight which can be separated from subject via precipitation such as excrements from insects and rodents, and soil and sand.
  • Light Filth is filth with light weight which can be separated from subject such as insects, parts of insects and animal feathers.

Filth testing in food and food products

Filth in food and products could be harmful to consumer causing unfavorable symptoms and allergy. Therefore, food and products should be tested for filth.

Definition of allergen

Allergen is a substance that cause allergic reaction causing allergy to those sensitive to that substance but not to others. Allergens can be found in air, dust as well as food and drugs. Symptoms vary and depend on type of substance as well as individuals. For example: sneezing, shortness of breath, itching, rash, swollen lips, watering eye, runny nose, blocked nose, vomiting, diarhoea, anaphylaxis etc.

Contamination surveillance within the manufacturing process, especailly allergen, per GMP and HACCP standards.

Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that all food factories, subcontractors and original equipment manufacturers (OEM) included, must be accredited with Good Manufacturing Practice: GMP in order to uplift the quality and standard of food.

Food manufacturers and OEM must understand and adopt GMP and HACCP into their process, and with especial care for allergen, as follows:

  • The business must have a system to detect allergen in raw materials.
  • Food manufacturers must have an inspection process to ensure that within the manufacturing process there is no contamination of allergen from the previous processes.

GMOs and DNA Testing

1. GMOs process is used in solving problems and eliminating downsides of agriculture or livestock products as well as enhacing distinctive features of the products. This causes the GMOs product to have lower costs and more health benefits. Although genetic modification contributes to the growth of the agriculture and food industries; health organizations all over the world and a significant number of people are concerned that the GMOs products may cause a negative impact on health and environment.
2. DNA testing ensures authenticy and purity of food, for example, porcine DNA testing in food product is requisite for Halal food testing. The purposes of DNA and GMOs testing include:

  • reducing consumer’s health concern
  • complying with import and export rules and regulations
  • increasing market competitiveness

Meaning of "Not Detected" and "< LOQ (Less than LOQ)" used in AMARC report of analysis

AMARC report of analysis complies with ISO/IEC 17025 for maximum benefits from the report. The utilized test method has been through validation process for accuracy. The necessary results reported are provided for international usability e.g.

  • Specificity
  • Limit of Detection, which is specificed by the Limit of Detection: LOD* and the Limit of Quantitation: LOQ**
  • Linearity

Regarding “Not Detected” and “< LOQ (Less than LOQ)”:

  • Not Detected means that the subject of interest is found to be less than LOD or is not detected.
  • < LOQ (Less than LOQ) means that the subject of interest is found to be more than LOD but less than LOQ.

*LOD is the lowest concentration of the test parameter within the sample that the test method can detect.
**LOQ is the lowest concentration of the test parameter within the sample subject that the test method can detect with the confidence of 95%. At this concentration, the result can be reported in quantity with accuracy.


Rapid testing

AMARC provides Rapid Test for the following microbes:

  • Salmonella spp. using 3M Molecular Detection System technique
  • Coliform using Petrifilm technique
  • Escherichia coli using Petrifilm technique
  • Yeast and Mold Count using Petrifilm technique

Product shelf-life testing

AMARC provides product shelf-life testing for the products intended for room-temperatured storage. Please provide sample in original package intended for retailing and other related information such as ingredients, packaging, sterilization method, net weight, intended shelf-life as well as irregularities found that may cause consumer’s rejection. For chilled products, microbiological testing is used as a basis for shelf-life calculation.

Chemical Testing

AMARC provides physical, physics and chemical testing services per standards and regulations for the following test subjects:


  • Food contaminants: heavy metals (Cadmium, Tin, Lead, Mercury and Arsenic), mycotoxin (Aflatoxin M1, Total Aflatoxin, Deoxynivalenol: DON, Ochratoxin A), etc.
  • Food additives: color, preservative, antioxidant, sweetner, etc.
  • Nutrition (Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Vitamin) and Nutrition Labelling (Thai, America, Europe, China, Japan, etc.)
  • Quality control or chemical standard of food according to the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health to register with the Food and Drug Administration
  • Heavy metals and minerals in food and feed
  • Carcinogens: 3MCPD, PCBs, PAHs, etc.
  • Residues: veterinary drug residue, pesticide residue in food and water, etc.

Filth testing

AMARC provide filth testing service according to AOAC standard. For example: filth in cereals and cereal products, and filth in sugar, chili flakes, chili paste and herbs. Additionally, AMARC also filth testing using macroscopic and microscopic analysis in foreign matter sample, biological identity by histology method and parasite testing in muscles.

Molecular testing

AMARC’s molecular laboratory provides the following services:

  • GMOs testing: food, soy, rice, maize, feed, etc.
  • DNA testing: pork, chicken, meat, etc.
  • Allergen testing: wheat, egg, peanut, soy, fish, milk, shrimp, etc.
  • Genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) testing in food and food contact meterials
  • Specific plant gene testing: soy (Lectin gene), maize (Zein gene), rice (PLD), etc.
  • GMOs Identification: Roundup Ready Soybean (EPSPS gene)

What is the test method for the test report of Coliform and Escherichia coli with the unit "MPN/g"?

MPN Technique is used. It is a method for detecting the quantity of microbe using statistic estimation.

It is done by diluting the samples to selected dilutions and then put each diluted in the liquid media tubes, 3 per each dilutions, according to the standard. Incubate per specific time and temperature. Read the result per the MPN table (Most Probable Number) and report the result in the MPN unit such as MPN/g and MPN/ml.

If Coliform is detected, does that mean the Escherichia coli is also detected?

For the following test result, Escherichia coli may or may not be found as it belongs to the Coliform group of bacteria. The Coliform bacteria include:

  • Escherichia
  • Citrobacter
  • Enterobacter
  • Hafnia
  • Klebsiella
  • Serratia

The meaning of "<3 MPN/g" and "<10 CFUg" in the microbiology testing report such as Coliform and TPC testings.

It means “not detected.” This result reported is per standard of international reporting methodology.

Difference between per 0.01 g unit and per 0.1 g unit in microbiology testing

0.1 g unit provides more accurate result than 0.01 g unit. As the 0.1 g unit has a sample dilution of 0.1 g which is less than the 0.01 g unit that has a sample dilution of 0.01 g, therefore the 0.1 g unit can detect microbe better than than the 0.01 g unit.


Testing and Services for Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutical testing

AMARC is the only private laboratory in Thailand with pharmaceutical testing service. Our testing services include testing for raw materials and products whether modern drugs, traditional drugs or herbal drugs.

Modern drug testing service list

Please see modern drug testing service list at Pharmaceutical

Bioequivalence study service

AMARC provides bioequivalence study service. Our clients include local and international manufacturers.

Drug Analysis Method Development 

AMARC provides method development and validation services per USP and BP standards as well as the client’s method. Please contact us for more information.

Traditional and herbal drugs testing service list

Please see the service list for traditional and herbal drugs testing at Pharmaceutical.

Standard used in testing traditional and herbal drugs.

  • Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia (THP)
  • The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)
  • Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC Internationals)

Medical cannabis testing per government regulations

The Department of Medical Science mandates that cannabis, cannabis oil and health products containing cannabis such as food, drinks and cosmetics be tested for CBD and THC as well as tested according to the regulations of each product group.

Accredited Scope

Agricultural production factor

General Knowledge

Importance of agricultural production factor

Agricultural production factors include soil, water, fertilizer and agrochemicals. They are vital to agriculture for farmers selecting the right land and water source, applying fertilizer correctly, and using pesticide to control pest at the right amount upon necessity will minimize cost and maximize production.

Purpose of agricultural production factor testing

The purpose of agricultural production factor testing includes:

  • For farmers to manage and utilize agricultural production factors. For example, water and soil quality testing before farming will help in selecting the right crops and improving soil quality, which can result from previous farming. Utilizing the right fertilizer according to soil conditioning method will help preparing soil for the selected crops, simultaneously reducing cost and increasing production.
  • For fertilizer manufacturer, distributor, importer and exporter to register fertilizer. AMARC’s report of analysis can be used in fertilizer registration with Department of Agriculture.
  • For manufacturer and importer of fertilizer and agrochemical to control quality.

Agricultural production factor testing service list

Please see available service list at Agricultural Production Factor.

Accredited Scope


Testing Service for Environment

Chemical Testing

AMARC provides physical, physics and chemical testing services per standards and regulations for the following test subjects:

  • Water analysis: drinking water, process water, ice, water steam in food manufacturing contact process and waste water, etc.
  • Residues: veterinary drug residue in food, agrochemical residue in food and water, etc.

Soil and Water Testing

Please see soil and water test service list in Environment.

Accredited Scope


Electrical and Temperature Metrology

Tools and devices pick-up and delivery services

AMARC provides pick-up and delivery service for calibration items. Please contact our customer service for more information.

Thermometer with sensor or thermo-hygrometer - evaluation method after receiving the calibration certificate

Evaluation can be done using Correction ± Uncertainty. For example, provided that the tolerance is ±1ºC, (Correction + Uncertainty) = 0.2 + 0.39 = 0.59 ºC and (Correction – Uncertainty) = 0.2 – 0.39 = -0.19 ºC.
If the value is within ± 1ºC, the result is “pass”; if the value is not within ±1ºC, the result is “fail.”

Thermometer with sensor or thermo-hygrometer - in case of not passing the calibration tolerance

Apply correction value by combining it with the measured result.

Thermo-hygrometer - calibration points

For room-temperature measurement, select 2-3 calibration points each for temperature and humidity to cover usage points.

Temperature chamber - in case of not passing the calibration tolerance

  • Consider if the tolerance is appropriate or not.
  • Readjust or modify the device.

Temperature chamber - verification

It is recommended that thermometer with sensor with higher accuracy than that of the chamber be installed at the middle of the chamber.

Temperature chamber - evaluation of calibration result

From the calibration result, use the measured temperature (ºC) at spread location #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 ± uncertainty; if the result of any location is within the tolerance, the result is “pass,” if the result exceeds the tolerance, the result is “fail” and that point cannot be used. Inform the responsible and related personnel not to use the point.
For example, if measured temperature (ºC) at spread location ± uncertainty is within the tolerance, this result is “pass” and the point can be used.
Given the tolerance 45 ±3ºC i.e. 45+3 = 48 and 45-3 = 42. This means that the measured temperature (ºC) at spread location must be within 42 and 48. E.g. (location+uncertainty) = 45.30+1.02 = 46.32 ºC and (location-uncertainty) 45.30-1.02 = 44.28 ºC; the results are within 42 and 48, the results are “pass.”

Temperature chamber - removal of objects from the chamber during calibration

Objects must be removed from the chamber as the objects hinder air circulation and absorb temperature causing the measurement to be inaccurate.

Temperature chamber - calibration point at near-room-temperature

Adjust the room temperature to be lower than the calibration temperature at least 5 ºC. For example, for the temperature calibration at 30 ºC, the room tempertature should be equal to or lower than 25 ºC.

Autoclave - water used

Distilled water or reverse osmosis water should be used to reduce limescale in the autoclave machine.

Choosing a calibration laboratory

Consider Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) of the calibration laboratory. The CMC should be within 1/3 of the tolerance.

Volumetric and Chemical Metrology

Volumetric glassware - usage in case of not passing the tolerance

Volumetric glassware that do not pass the tolerance can still be used by reclassing the glassware: from Class A to Class B and from Class B to usage that does not require high accuracy.

Volumetric glassware - calibration

The recommendation from Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), is:

  • Class A glassware – random at 10%
  • Class B glassware – 100%

Volumetric glassware - verification and intermediate check

Verifying or calibrating volumetric glassware using balance as standard. In choosing the standard, the accuracy must be more than the calibrated subject at least 3 to 10 times. E.g. flask with tolerance ± 0.1mL, the balance should have an accuracy of 0.01 g or reading digit of 0.01g

Piston pipette, Dispenser, and Piston Burette - Evaluation upon receiving Certificate of Calibration

In evaluating the 3 equipments, ISO/IEC 8655 is used by referring to the systematic error and random error with the table in the ISO/IEC 8655.

Piston pipette, Dispenser and Piston Burette - calibration volume

ISO/IEC 8655 requires calibration at 10%, 50% and 100% of nominal volume (e.g. if the volume is 10-100 µl, the nominal volume is 100 µl). Clients can also select the calibration points that are frequently used.

Piston pipette, Dispenser and Piston Burette - Preliminary remedy in case of piston pipette leakage

Aging tools and deviced could be due to deterioration from usage and misuage. Pipetting corrosive substances can cause O-ring deterioration, which should be replaced. Preventive maintenance should be performed at least every 6 months to ensure readiness for usage.

pH meter or conductivity meter - unstable result

  • Electrode might not be clean or have oil stain at the tip of the probe. Clean electrode with electrode washing liquid or soaking in warm water for 30 minutes before trying again.
  • If in reading the measurement, the result is not stable, leave the subject at room temperature until the result is stable and them remeasures. Temperature of the subject affects the pH and conductivity.

pH meter - changing electrode

Electrode of pH meter should be replaced if after the verification or calibration, the %Slope is less than 95% or more than 105% or the measurement does not match the buffer standard of the manufacturing specification.

pH meter - evaluation of equipment upon receiving Certificate of Calibration

Please see reference standard document for test method. If not, there is one reference for pharmaceutical teting which is USP; it indicates that after verfication or calibration, the result must be within ±0.05 pH and %slope 90-105 (2018 USPC Official 5/1/17 – 7/31/17 General Chapters: <791> pH).

Mechanical Metrology

Balance - calibration frequency

Balance should be calibrated at least once a year to ensure accuracy and adjust the balance in case of error.

Balance - suitable location and environment for installation

1. Table and surface
The table and surface for balance and balance stand must be stable and strong and must not vibrate or be magnetic. For example, marble or granite slab with a thickness at least 40 mm. Wood board should not be used for its risk of bending and metal board for its magnetic quality.
2. Balance Room
The balance room should situated in a non-vibrating location which could be from machine being operated or from traffic. The floor of the room should be smooth concrete surface without wood flooring and carpentry. There should be no carpet, blinds and curtains as to reduce dust being accumulated as well as for cleaning convenience.

  • There should be only one entrance-exit to reduce windflaw and dust.· Window should be minimal to reduce sunlight exposure and heat from outside.
  • If the room is air-conditioned, the airflow direction should be adjusted not to go to the balance.
  • The location of the balance should not receive direct sunlight as it will cause heat and results in measurement error. Lighting within the room also should be away from the balance to reduce the impact of heat from the light bulb

3. Temperature
Temperature within the balance room should be stable. Any increase or decrease of temperature during its usage could cause an error of 1-2 ppm per Celsius.
4. Humidity
The recommended humidity within the balance room should be between 45% to 60%. During usage, there should not be any sudden change that may impact the result of sensitive balance.
5. Air
Surrounding airflow is a hindrance to balance operation. Therefore, the balance should not be placed near air conditioner or a machine or devices with fan.
6. Electric field and electro-magnetic field
The intended location for electronic balance should be inspected for disturbance and error that may be stemmed from electric field and electro-magnetic field. User should be aware of signal disturbance from operation of devices within the nearby area such as electrical induction oven and switching on-off of machine, oven, incinerator or other devices that generate heat might create electrical signal through electric line within the area. Mobile phone and communication radio might also create signal disturbance and cause change in the measurement displayed.

Weight - standard for tolerance

Tolerance for weight refers to the internation standard OIML R111-1.

Weight - reference document for weight calibration

In calibrating weight, the reference document use is the internation standard OIML R111-1.

Weight - usage and maintenance

  • Standard weights should be kept in box or container made from wood or plastic to protect the standard weights from dust and humidity. Standard weights should be kept in dense electro-magnetic field.
  • Standard weights should be kept clean. They must not be touched bare-handed; use pick-up tools, gloves and forceps in handling the weights. The point touching the weights should be made from or covered with materials that do not scratch or damage the weights such as plastic, leather or cotton.
  • Be careful not to drop the standard weights.
  • Surface for placing the standard weights on must be clean, smooth or soft to product the weight from dirt or scratch.
  • To prevent the standard weights from wearing, in moving standard weights on the plate, use pick-up and place-down movement. Do not drag or slide.

Medical Devices

Medical devices maintenance

Medical devices and tools should be routinely check at least once a year similar to other tools and equipment. Maintenance will ensure readiness for usage.

Medical devices standard

General check-up includes external check through visual check, check for sound notification, and functioning display; measurement testing in the low, medium and high range to ensure that the measurement is within the tolerance; and issuing Certificate of Calibration. The standard used is by the Emergency Care Research Institute: ECRI.

Check up for infrequently-used devices

Devices that are not used frequently should also be checked and maintained to ensure measurement accuracy.

Device check up frequency

Devices that are used frequently should be checked and maintained more frequently than those infrequently used. Devices can thus be categorized by risk as:
· High-risked devices
· Medium-risked devices
· Low-risked devices

Sign or symbol for calibrated medical devices

Our medical device team will attach a sticker indicating the calibration status, dates of current and next testing and maintenance, device code and report number for clients’ convenience.

Broken or malfunctioned devices

Preliminary, please inform the medical device maintenance team to examine the devices. Should any corrective measures cannot be applied, the devices should not be used and the need for a replacement might arise.

Inaccurate tools and devices

Some tools and devices require the accessories from the same brand of the tools and devices to be able to provide accurate measurement.

Accredited scope for medical devices

AMARC is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for medical devices calibration in the following scope: mechanical and automated sphygmomanometers.

Accredited scope

Inspection and certification

Inspection & Certification Service

Services by AMARC's inspection body and certification body.

Benefits from being inspected and certified

Gaining trust and recognition whether for value increase, selling through modern trade or exportation.

Duration of inspection and certification

1-2 days depending on workplace size

Consequences of not being able to rectify major nonconformity (NC) within specified timeline

Should the nonconformity not be rectified within specified timeline, the certificate will not be granted and the inspection and certification process must be reinitiated.

Days after inspection and certification to receive the certificate

45 working days

Certification period

  • GAP, GMP, GHPs and HACCP: 3 years
  • Organic: transition period certificate of 1 year for the initial audit, and 1 year for the organic certification

Surveillance audit

After certification, an annual surveillance throughout the the certification period is required. Should the surveillance be denied, the certification would be invalid due to regulation nonconformity.


Submission for recertification should be made at least 180 days before the certificate expiration.

Service Scope

Crops and organic crops

  • Good Agriculture Practice: GAP
    • TAS 1000-2003 : good agricultural practices for Longans
    • TAS 1001-2008 : Good Agricultural Practices for Aromatic Coconut
    • TAS 2500-2005 : Good agricultural practices for Asparagus
    • TAS 2501-2005 : Good agricultural practices for Okra
    • TAS 2503-2007 : Good agricultural practices for Baby Corn
    • TAS 3502-2018 : Good Agricultural Practices for Herbs
    • TAS 4400-2009 : Good Agricultural Practices for Thai Hom Mali Rice
    • TAS 4401-2008 : Good Agricultural Practices for Rice
    • TAS 4402-2010 : Good Agricultural Practices for Maize
    • TAS 5901-2010 : Good Agricultural Practices for Cassava
    • TAS 5902-2010 : Good Agricultural Practices for Sugarcane
    • TAS 9001-2013 : Good Agricultural Practices for Food Crop
  • Organic
    • TAS 9000-2021 : Good Agricultural Practice Standards for Food Crops


  • TAS 7401-2023  : Good Aquaculture Practices for Marine Shrimp Farm
  • TAS 7417-2016 : Good Aquaculture Practices for Freshwater Animal Farm
  • TAS 7421-2018 : Good Aquaculture Practices for Freshwater Animal Hatchery and Nursery
  • TAS 7422-2018 : Good Aquaculture Practices for Marine Shrimp Hatchery and Nursery
  • TAS 7426-2012 : Good aquaculture practices for Ornamental Freshwater Animals Farm
  • TAS 7429-2016 : Good Aquaculture Practices for Marine Finfish Farm
  • TAS 7436-2020 : Good Aquaculture Practices for Food-Aquatic Animal Farm
  • TAS 7438-2023 : Good aquaculture practices for Food-Aquatic Animals Hatcherry and Nursery
  • Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP) for Aquatic animal Hatcheries and Nursery, and Aquatic animal Culture Farm B.E.2553, Department of Fisheries (Marine Shrimp and Freshwater Animal)

Food Safety

  • TAS 1004-2014 : Code of Practice for Sulphur Dioxide Fumigation of Fresh Fruits
  • TAS 4403-2010 : Good Manufacturing Practices for Rice Mill
  • TAS 6401-2015 : Good Manufacturing Practices for Milk Collection Center
  • TAS 7420-2009 : Good Hygienic Practices for Pre-processing of Fishery Products
  • TAS 9023-2007 : Code of Practice : General Principles of Food Hygiene
  • TAS 9024-2007 : Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for Its Application
  • TAS 9035-2010 : Good Manufacturing Practices for Packing House of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  • TAS 9039-2013 : Good Manufacturing Practices for Ready-to-Eat Fresh Pre-cut Fruits and Vegetables
  • TAS 9041-2014 : Code of Practice for The Manufacturing of Frozen Agricultural Commodities
  • TAS 9046-2017 : Good Manufacturing Practices for Frozen Durian
  • TAS 9047-2017 : Good Manufacturing Practices for Collecting House of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  • The General Principles of Food Hygiene : Good Hygiene Practices (GHPs) and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System (CXC 1-1969), Revised in 2020


  • Carbon Footprint
  • General manufacturing industries (in progress)
  • Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) (in progress)
  • General service industries (in progress)
  • Tourism Standard
  • Diving Standard for Tourism (in progress)
  • Accommodation Standard for Tourism (Resort): 1-4 Stars (in progress)

Consultation and training

Quality Management System for Laboratory (QMS)

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) for Laboratory

It is necessary for laboratory to continuously improve its process through the analysis and synthesis of data in pursuit of opportunity for improvement and in determining improvement plan. Laboratory can continuously improve the efficacy of its management system through: quality policy, quality purposes, quality control through data analysis, correction measures, preventive measures and process revisions.

Purpose of ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation

To ensure that the laboratory process and management comply with international stanards and increase academic competency and competitiveness.

Laboratory quality control per ISO/IEC 17025

AMARC provides laboratory auditing services per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 both chemical and microbiological laboratories.

Testing quality control and assurance per ISO/IEC 17025

  • Internal quality control: sample blank, QC sample, and internal control
  • External quality control: interlab comparison, and proficiency test provider

Training Service

Training on laboratory quallity assurance and other related topics

  • ISO/IEC 17025:2017
  • Quality Assurrance document preparation per ISO/IEC 17025
  • Method of Validation
  • Uncertainty of Measurement
  • Internal quality control
  • Testing quality control
  • Tools and equipment management per ISO/IEC 17025
  • Understanding and interpreting calibration report

Training on food safety testing process

Training and workshop on food safety testing process by a team of experts, both internal and external.

Our products